Ce colloque a pour objectif de dresser un bilan de l'exploitation des grands poissons pélagiques à l'aide de DCP ancrés et dérivants à l'échelle mondiale.
28 nov.-2 déc. 2011 Arue (Polynésie française)
Mercredi 30
3- Compréhension du phénomène agrégatif

› 10:10 - 10:30 (20min)
› Endeavour
The Influence of FADs on the Vertical Distribution of Yellowfin Tuna in Hawaii
Kim Holland  3, *@  , David Itano  1@  , Laurent Dagorn  2@  
3 : Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology, University of Hawaii
Ccoconut Island, Kaneohe, Hawaii -  États-Unis
1 : Pelagic Fisheries Research Program, University of Hawaii
Coconut Island, Kaneohe Hawaii -  États-Unis
2 : IRD, France
Mahe, Seychelles -  Seychelles
* : Auteur correspondant

Previous studies have demonstrated that FADs alter the vertical distribution of bigeye tuna and there was some indication that this was also true for yellowfin tuna. However, there were very few data available to test this hypothesis. We used double tagging (implanted acoustic tags and archival tags) to observe the on-FAD and off-FAD behavior of yellowfin tuna caught in association with anchored FADs in Hawaii. The relults indicate that FADs do not alter the vertical behavior of yellowfin tuna but, rather, that their vertical behavior is influenced primarily by oceanographic conditions. These results will be discussed in terms of their vulnerability to capture and light of what is known about feeding behavior of these species when associated with anchored FADs in Hawaii.

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