This conference aims to take stock of the exploitation of large pelagic fish using anchored and drifting FADs in the world.
28 Nov-2 Dec 2011 Arue (French Polynesia)
Tuesday 29
2- Industrial fisheries on moored and drifting FADs

› 14:30 - 15:00 (30min)
› Endeavour
Logs, FADs and Payaos: Towards consistency in definitions and characterization
Martin Hall  1, *@  
1 : Inter-American tropical Tuna Commission
8604 La Jolla Shores Dr la Jolla, CA 92037 -  États-Unis
* : Corresponding author

The rapid expansion of the FAD fisheries requires that we achieve consistent definitions of the different types of floating objects used by the tuna purse seiners, and consistent characterization of the types of sets involved. This will allow us to compare across oceans, stratify data sets for estimation, and other purposes. I propose to use “LOGS” for encountered objects, “FADs” for drifting objects deployed or modified by the fishers with the intention to revisit them, and “PAYAOS” for anchored objects. The differences among types will be discussed based on data from co-occurring sets. A set on an object will be defined by the encirclement of the object or by taking place at some distance from the object (0.5 mile?). Dead animals will be included in the Log category, while living animals (whales or whale sharks) will be a separate category. A form called Flotsam Information Record is been used by IATTC to describe the FADs, and is available at:, under Purse seine observer forms. The usefulness and purpose of the different fields will be discussed. The issue of individual identification of the FADs will be discussed.

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